'A good novel tells us the truth about its hero; but a bad novel tells us the truth about its author.'
This quote is from G K Chesterton, a favourite of mine. He is best known for the Father Brown stories (with which, it is said, he incidentally converted himself to Roman Catholicism). But my favourite book of his is The Man Who Was Thursday, worth reading if you haven't.
He wrote poetry too. One I like so much that I have learned it (no easy task for me, it took weeks) is The Last Hero.
It is a poem full of wild romance, about a hero who is having a truly terrible day. His enemies have taken over his ancestral home, and are hunting him down. He has walked twenty miles through pouring rain, knowing they will overtake him. The woman he loves hated him. But he remains cheerful and full of appetite for life.
I recite it to myself when feeling hard done by, or when caught in a downpour. Great stuff.
The London Buzz – 21st February 2025
1 hour ago