- The writers I admire are so brilliant, is there any point my trying to write at all? I'll never be as good as they are.
- Isn't it hugely hubristic to believe that anyone will want to spend time reading something that is effectively no more than the contents of my mind? Who do I think I am?
- Eek! It's going to be complete at 30,000 words. Way too short.
- The plot's rambling out of control! 150,000 words already. I'll never reach the end!
- No! I've come across another book written two years ago on a very similar theme. Everyone will think I stole the idea.
- Supposing it's rubbish and no one wants to tell me?
- Gah! A writer I respect was very critical about the bit he read. I'm doing it all wrong. Sob.
- It must be rubbish because I've got all these form rejections from agents. They know what readers want, surely. Proper writers get agents and a publishing deal.
- Supposing when I put it for sale on Amazon no one buys it?
And later:
- My first book is a success, hurrah - has actually sold well, readers have said they enjoyed it, I've made good money - but I'll never be able to repeat my success because...
- I used up all my ideas in the first book. Now I am but an empty husk, who will never create an interesting character or story line ever again.
- This book is a struggle. I don't remember the last one being as hard to write. Probably because this one is No Good.
- I've forgotten how to write! Every sentence is convoluted and awkward. Woe!
- Other people write loads more words per day than I do. Why am I so slow?
- By the time I get this one finished, the people who loved my first book will have forgotten my name.
- Okay, so Book Two is out and doing rather well - some readers even prefer it to Book One - but I'll definitely never be able to do it a third time...
MORAL: Do not fret.
Everything will be all right. Do not be self-critical - in an imperfect world, you do not need to be perfect. No one else is. Lighten up. Keep writing, one word at a time. You can do it.