
Sunday 29 August 2010

You should not have come here, human...

For those of us who are having a puny human day (like a bad hair day, but more all-encompassing).


  1. Now why can't I be transported to the twelfth plane of torment too?!?! How exciting!! LOL!

    Happy er.. puny human all encompassing bad hair day Day! :-)

    I think it's worth celebrating!

    take care

  2. p.s.!!! Your Remix cover has changed?!?! What's happened to the rocking horses and the woman looking wistfully off the edge of the book!??!?!

  3. I thought this cover had more pzazz (if that's how you spell it).

    But I am a novice in the black art of cover design. Happy Puny Human Day to you, too!

  4. Dante only got as far as the ninth circle, now we hear of yet more planes of torment!

  5. I thought planes of torment was Ryanair...

  6. Puny or not, my day is going swimmingly.

  7. Oh good. It's just me, then. And tomorrow is another day :o)

  8. "Puny hair day" is much more descriptive than "bad hair day". My worst hair day was on holiday but I haven't got the energy to blog about it yet!

    Hope your book is doing well.

  9. I wonder if men have bad hair days, or is it an exclusively female problem? There are plenty of men with bad hair...

    Ebook sales of Remix are slow - only nine so far - but I hope when everyone is back from holiday, and UK customers have received their Kindles things will pick up.

  10. I do hope so. You're gradually clocking up good reviews.

  11. Hey! I was in the Thirteenth Plane of Torment this morning. Also known as the Annual Performance Review. They say I'm Good. I know I'm Amazing. I proved it by Tormenting them for over two hours with examples of why.

    They were unappreciative.

  12. Alan, I think you are Amazing :o)

  13. You just lit up what had been an otherwise dreary day. :o) right back at you.
